soybean oil
Soybean oil and Soybean on wooden table.

Soybean Oil: Health Benefits Weight Loss and Fights Cancer

Breast, prostate, and stomach cancers have all been related to a decreased chance of occurrence when soy-based foods, including tofu, edamame, and soy milk, are consumed. But many people with estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer worry that taking soy might hurt them. It is because soy has things in it that are like estrogen. Let’s get the facts straight about the safety of eating soy-based foods and the risk of getting cancer. There is a chance that soybean oil has phytoestrogens, like estrogen, made from plants. Soy has phytoestrogens. Remember these three things:

  • Phytoestrogens have a very different structure from human estrogen; their estrogenic activity is about a thousand times lower.
  • Using phytoestrogens does not make the body make more estrogen.
  • No proof eating meals with a normal amount of soy could speed up cancer growth.

Latest Scientific Research:

In Asian countries, where soy foods are eaten more often as part of a healthy diet, the risk of getting prostate and breast cancer is lower. 

You are less likely to get prostate or breast cancer.

People with cancer can eat soy in any natural form, like edamame, tofu, and soy milk. 

According to research done in the lab, cancer cell growth is slowed by soy consumption.

People with cancer who are getting treatment don’t have to stop eating everything with soybean oil. It isn’t a must.

Please read the part of the Cancer Nutrition Consortium Newsletter written a long time ago for more information on the different kinds of soy products.

When thinking about things made from soy, it might help to divide them into three main categories:

  1. Soy-based foods that don’t have any added sugar, like edamame, tofu, and soy milk.
  2. Protein supplements made from soy, like protein powder or nutrient-rich bars that contain soy protein isolate.
  3. Soy is used to make soy sauce, soybean oil, and soy lecithin, all condiments and by-products.

Foods Derived from Soy:

The most recent scientific study says that cancer patients and survivors should include soy foods in their diets, even for people who have had estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer. It doesn’t show any possible negative effects. The study doesn’t find any connection between eating soy foods and getting cancer. Researchers who looked at breast cancer patients found that those who ate one to two servings of meals with soybean oil every day had a better chance of living longer.

It is what was learned from the tests done on these people. Depending on how it is eaten, one serving of soy has the same amount of protein as one-half cup of edamame, one cup of soy milk, or one-fourth cup of tofu. Even people currently getting cancer treatment can eat soy foods like edamame, tofu, and unsweetened soy milk as a source of protein or dairy. They are encouraged to do so.

soybean oil

Soy Protein Supplements:

We don’t fully understand how soy protein supplements and powders, which get their protein from soy, change how cancer grows and spreads. This sort of powder is often used to prepare shakes and smoothies. On the other hand, it could also be used as a source of protein in some pre-packaged frozen veggie burgers, nutrition bars, and vegetarian or vegan substitutes for meat. Because of the research that has been done, we know less about what happens when these more concentrated types of soy are eaten.

Because these products are so concentrated, you may get more phytoestrogens in your body if you use them often. Even though there isn’t yet a set of clinical recommendations for soy that everyone agrees on, most doctors agree that people with cancer that is sensitive to hormones should limit the amount of soy protein powder supplements (also called soy protein isolate) they eat.

Spices and Condiments made with Soy:

Soy sauce, soybean oil, and soy lecithin are all products made from soy that don’t have many phytoestrogens, a type of plant sterol. It means they don’t risk making people more likely to get cancer. Soy sauce and soybean oil are very poor in several important nutrition-related ways. Most of the salt in soy sauce and the fact that most of the fat in soybean oil is polyunsaturated make people think this oil is less healthy than others, like olive oil. Soybean oil is in many ready-to-eat foods, like crackers, cookies, bread, and salad dressings. Unfortunately, when these products are made, the soybean oil that is added is often partially hydrogenated. It is a crucial step in creating anything.

“Trans-fat” is a term for a certain type of soybean oil, and people are strongly advised to avoid products containing this oil. Even though the risk of getting cancer from eating soybean oil is lower than it used to be, it is still not considered a healthy fat. Soy lecithin is an emulsifier that keeps the consistency of things like salad dressing the same even after being in a container for a while. No evidence using soy lecithin makes you more likely to get cancer, and soy lecithin does not have any phytoestrogens.

One crop in the United States that has undergone genetic engineering is soy. People who eat soy also have to think about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the difference between conventional and organic food. Few studies have been done on the short-term and long-term effects of genetically modified soy and the risk of cancer, and there is a lot of disagreement about these topics. Customers who want to avoid genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in soy meals can buy organic versions of the product.


People should remember that the most important thing to know about soy and cancer is that cancer survivors can eat foods like tofu stir-fry, edamame as an appetiser, and unsweetened soy milk as a substitute for dairy products without any problems. It is the most crucial fact concerning soy and cancer. It is true for women with estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer and men and younger children with the same cancer. People with ER+ breast cancer who are getting treatment should avoid powdered soy protein isolate, soy protein-enhanced nutrition bars, and vegetarian alternatives to animal products.


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